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Nye regler neste år

Når de nye reglene kommer i 2004 vil det i første rekke dreie seg om nytt innen etikette-reglene.

Det skal bli "påbudt" å rope "FORE" når det er fare for at andre kan bli truffet av en ball.

De til nå uskrevne reglene skal nå i større grad settes på papiret. Arrangører av turneringer kan nå ty til disiplinære tiltak overfor en spiller som
"consistently disregards these guidelines during a round or over a period of time to the detriment of others".

En arrangør kan nå få muligheter til å diskvalifisere en spiller for "serious breach of etiquette".

Slik lyder innledningen på denne delen av etiketten: "The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the rules.

All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be."

Sikkerhet, spillehastighet og ivaretakelse av banen står sentralt. Det har det også gjort før, men nå får vi det altså ned på papiret.

David Rickman, the rules secretary of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, har uttalt at man nå forsøker å skjerpe tilstandene i land som er ferske innen golf geamet. Trolig tenker han blant andre på Norge hvor golfsporten har hatt en sterk utvikling, men hvor utdanning av spillere i etikette har vært på et lavmål. ("this is particularly the case in countries with little history of the game".)

KLAR TALE FRA David Rickman: "We received requests from a number of sources to clarify what have always been unwritten rules. A lot of developing countries where there are no traditions to be passed on needed clear guidelines of what is expected." Han la til: "There is a concern that standards are falling. We set our standards high. We make no apology for that and we want it to remain the case."

Her er fem nue regler:
* The length of all clubs, except putters, limited to 48in (122cm). Appendix II

* The size of the head of "wooden" clubs limited to 470cc. Appendix II

* Penalty for having more than one caddie is amended from disqualification to loss of hole in match play, or two strokes in stroke play with a maximum of two holes in match play or four strokes in stroke play. Rule 6-4

* When play is resumed after a stoppage, if the spot on which the ball is to be placed is not determined, it must be estimated and the ball is placed on the estimated spot. See corresponding Exception to Rule 20-3c; Rule 6-8d

* The value of a prize that an amateur golfer may accept in an event is £500. Rules of Amateur Status 3-2a

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